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Kunye facilitates workshops and experiences to reimagine workplace wellness beyond the traditional benefits package.

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A Few Brands we’ve worked with:



& Movement

Drawing on ancient wisdom and modern science, our mindfulness and movement sessions are choice based, trauma informed, beginner and expert friendly. Available virtually and in-person.



Below are some of the more commonly requested movement and guided meditation sessions. Each class is customized for your organization.

Mindful Movement

30-60 min Guided yoga, pilates and fusion classes adapted for all abilities. These sessions are facilitated online and in-person.

Guided Meditation + Mindfulness

The 15-30-minute meditation sessions include a certified meditation instructor and noise isolating headsets to block the outside world as you turn inward and practice mental exercise in any indoor or outdoor environment.

Guided Breathwork

Our breath work practices help your employees hone their focus, soothe their nervous system, lessen stress and anxiety, regulate mood and support a deeper connection to themselves and their colleagues.



Slow Wellness


The Art Of Slow Wellness

A 4-part guided series on the benefits of slowing down, particularly when it comes to our well-being. This workshop introduces the ancient wisdom and modern science to understand why and how meditation changes our minds, reduces stress and lessons stress and anxiety.

Week 1 — Aspects of You
Week 2 — Soma + Senses
Week 3 — From surviving to thriving
Week 4 — Self-regulation

Self & The Central Nervous System

a 3 part introduction to the central nervous system and its impact on how we live our lives. This session blends the science of safety and connection with practical somatic applications through movement and meditation.

1 Session — 60-90 mins



Digital Services
for business


Kunye App For Teams

A monthly subscription to our app with on-demand access to our library of classes, workshops and more for up to 100 people.

Custom Content Creation

Create branded content for your internal workplace communication hubs and platforms.


We create space for you to build and support
a more mindful and resilient work culture.

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